About the AHP

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a multi-dimensional, multi-level and multifactorial decision-making method, proposed by Prof Thom Saaty and based on the principle that it is possible to prioritize elements by:

  • grouping them into meaningful categories and sub-categories, creating a hierarchic framework of decisions;
  • performing pairwise comparisons to assess the relative importance of each element of this hierarchy;
  • defining a coherent framework of quantitative and qualitative knowledge;
  • measuring intangible domains.

This hierarchical approach allows the construction of a consistent framework for step-by-step decision-making, breaking a complex problem into many small less-complex ones that decision-makers can more easily deal with. This paradigm, known as divide et impera (divide and rule) and widely investigated in several field of complex knowledge as, but not limited to, medicine, healthcare decision-making, environmental science, system production etc.

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